[SU15] Scaling 3D tool doesn't work anymore

Version: Flighting SU15 - 1.37.12

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Bug description: unable to scale object in the scenery editor by draging the 3D tools although scaling works when setting a value in the gizmo field window

Another post out of the Flighting SU15 - Bug reports : SU15 Beta - Scaling of Scenery Object in Scnenery Editor not possible anymore

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thanks for opening that. that would really be a game braker if that could not be fixed unitll release. i can scale my own objects in blender but FS-Base Objects such as shrubs or bushes would be unusable.

As written, the scaling via the mouse and 3D doesn’t work anymore, BUT you still can set value you want in the Gizmo box/window

This will make scenery development very difficult (and slow) with this regression. Is it possible to get some priority on this one ?


Thats True but as HybridNZ wrote. Its an unnessesary slow down of the process