SU7 Build Project is totally broken

Hi All, The SU7 Build project system is pretty much broken and unworkable,
number 1 now it takes 3 to 5 times longer to build anything in comparison with
SU6. Second, despite of setting all assistance options to TRUE to LIFE saving
it, restarting the Sim, etc. every time I build a project it resets all the
settings back to all assistance options enabled!. This is incredible
frustrating since I need all setting true to life, why is it reverting this?
and how are we supposed to test our projects correctly with this issue?. Now
to test things, I have to continuing hit rebuild… wait 3 to 5 times longer…
then open the assistance menu, save all back to true to life… close the ATC
menu (which opens auto after)… close the checklist menu… retest, repeat… do
you guys reilase the amount of time we waste on this?? Third the aircraft
editor is disabling all camera and input controls… making it imposible to
adjust anything… having to close the AC editor and opening it again every
time to be able to change the angle of my camera defeats the purpose of this
tool… placing a single light now takes 10 times longer! Guys, what is
happening? our developing time is being increased by months with such failed
developing tools, we need them to work nice and sharp… this is a bit too
crazy… I am beyond frustrated this morning to say the very least. Can I get
some assistance please to at least force my settings to stay as true to life
always? Regards, Simbol

Hi there, Apologies for these issues, here is what we can say about them: 1/ I
am not aware of anything added to the build process that could extend build
times in such a way - I am wondering if it could be linked to unmounting &
mounting packages rather than building them. This is under investigation. 2/
We managed to reproduce the Assistance issue thanks to your repro steps and
will identify & fix asap. 3/ The Aircraft Editor problem has already been
fixed on our end. I don’t have an ETA yet but will get back to you as soon as
I do. Best regards, Eric / Asobo

Hi Eric, Thank you, the most pressing issue is the Assistance not been keep…
if there is anything I can do on my side to fix it please let me know. I
appreciate your prompt response today, I am hoping to be able to at least keep
my productivity speed as what it was with SU6… the assistance problem is
currently really slowing me down… maybe re-installing SDK 15.0 could help? or
is this related to the internal build in SU7? Thanks, S.

I am afraid the issue is linked to SU7 itself but I’ll confirm as soon as I
can and see if some workaround can be used. Best regards, Eric / Asobo

Hi Eric, Thanks I will keep an eye on this post then… S.

Is there any way to get back live update functionality for landmark
simobjects( e.g. jetways) without having to restart the simulator? previously
I’ve used teleport to far away location to get simobject updated, but after
SU7 it causes random CTDs without any messages thanks

Please create a specific question for this topic, this is not directly related
to the original question. Best regards, Eric / Asobo

Can I add to this that fspackagetool.exe does not add the MarketplaceData to
the output anymore either. Is there a switch for fspackagetool to force it
back in? - Happy to raise a separate ticket if needed.

I have noticed the build package time is only ever long the first time you
click build when it usually list things unrelated to the project. If you clear
console then click build again it is as quick as it ever was. As for the
Assistance issue, I am currently working on some race course’s and the assists
being turned back on is a massive issue, as I need to be able to make
adjustments to the course and then try it on the fly. Now to test it properly
I will have to hope I got any changes correct then save/build, quit the sim,
add to the community folder then try it out that way. Then if a change is
wrong I will have to do that over and over again. I seriously hope this issue
can be quickly fixed and an update sent out asap.

Same for me. The first build took ages. After that it’s been fine. The
assistance thing is unbearabe and incurable. I hope there’s a very quick fix
for this and other things.

FYI, the Assistance reset issue has been fixed on our end too - again no ETA
yet but we will keep you posted as soon as we know more. The building times
(and other issues you may have reported) are still under investigation. Again,
apologies for all the trouble. Best regards, Eric / Asobo

Excellent glad you found the issue hopefully won’t have to wait to long for
the fix to be sent out.

Dude, just push the dam update, are we gonna have to wait for this for how
much longer? Unfortunately the majority of the community that are desperate
for good planes to arrive for this sim aren’t aware of those issues plaguing
the development. I just wonder if big addon developers are affected by this as
much as we are.

Hi, now we’ve had some time to take a proper look at this I think we’ve found
what the problem is with the extended build times. The compiler is literally
re-writing all texture files from scratch every time you re-build. We have
noticed this with two separate payware airports we are working on at the
moment. It seems something in the compiler’s way it handles delta file updates
is either broken or missing in the new SDK. I agree with others its a real
issue especially in a collaborative environment as it means the new project
has to be sync every time a build is done instead of just the delta files that
have changed. Would be good if you could look into restoring delta file
updates when building the package. Here you can see a list of all file date
and time being changed instead of only newer files.

Happy to provide more
information if needed Cheers Josh NZA Simulations

Hi Eric, It’s possible the longer build times ( at least the first build )
could be related to this problem I reported last week, which seems to have
gone unnoticed: The first
build can be very long, because instead of reusing any un-changed .DDS
textures in the “Packages” subfolder inside the main folder, it’s rebuilding
in a new folder one level above, in the root of the Project file so,
regardless if textures are changed or not, it’s always rebuilding all of them
their .PNG sources.

Are we going to see a fix for the assistance settings resetting any time soon.
it’s driving me mad every time I come out of a project in dev mode and
starting sim again the assistance settings are all getting reset.

Just chiming in here to state that we’re EAGERLY looking forward to the issues
raised in this post being fixed. The long build times along with the
assistance bug are definitely having an impact on productivity. Jim Milviz

10 days and still nothing from them. I’ve must have reselected the assistance
options to “hard” a million times by now. C’mon Asobo, you can fix it.

i don’t have any issue with building scenery projects, (not huge ones so same
performance as before) but it is true assistance options back to easy at each
build (or near) is very annoying.

Has the disabled input controls when opening aircraft editor been fixed?