[SU9] [CTD] Script Editor doesn't work at all

As posted [on the forums](https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ctd-when-
trying-to-open-a-mission-xml-file-with-script-editor/509015), the new sim
update breaks the script editor. If you try to open a script, the sim will
CTD. Also, without a script loaded, it isn’t possible to use the editor (this
used to be possible).

Hello @Mr_LiamT , The script editor is not supposed to be used and is not
maintained anymore. The CTD may not be related to devmode, however, feel free
to send us your dump file. [See sections 2 and 3
bug-or-crash.html) Regards, Boris

Do you know when the new mission system will be available? I was just starting
a company to make missions but without the script editor, mission creation
will get a lot slower and it’ll make it really difficult to create complex

Hello @Mr_LiamT , The dump file you sent us shows that the crash is indeed
related to the script editor. However, we have no ETA for a new version of
this tool and you should avoid using it. Like I said in a previous thread
where you had a similar issue, the script editor should be removed from the
devmode in future updates. Regards, Boris