Hello! Guys, how you can see in this screenshot, for some reason, when adding
terraforming polygons or rectangles falloff distance seem that does not work
anymore. Anyone encountered this problem? Am I missing something? It worked
fine till last update I guess.
Also, I have another problem, in the middle of runway I get this while there’s
no terraforming polygon or any other. It worth mentioning that this is not
visible when I open the project. Tried to do Clean All, then recompile, but
the issue remains.
Hello @mihafly We suspect that the first issue come from a conflict between
two terraformer with the same priority, i suggest that you verify if you don’t
have overlapping terraformer with the same priority and, if not, can you send
me your package to investigate it ? (see [3) provide private
bug-or-crash.html)) For the second issue it could come from an issue in our
data source, it could be fixed from your side by simply adding a terraformer
until it’s fixed from our side. Best regards, Yohan
Hello @mihafly, There is nothing new about this and I fear that this problem
will not be addressed in the near future. The issue comes from the creation of
two polygons with falloffs, one on top of the other. This configuration
results in the falloff of the child polygon being ignored, thus leading to
abnormal behavior as seen on the runway. As a workarround ensure that “Apply
Flatten” is checked on your airport element, and remove the terraforming from
the main polygon. Secondly, I recommend using a rectangle with terraforming
instead of a polygon.
I have the same problem with terraforming rectangles. There is absolutely no
falloff distance for any of my rectangles? It makes my airport looks like a
Minecraft world. (which is cool…in Minecraft) You can sort of get it to
work by playing with profiles on rectangles, but in the end it does not look
good. I had to flatten my aiport and then use a runway profile on the runway
to make the runway look good. If I didn’t flatten the airport the runway was
way too bumpy. Even with a Runway profile implemented.