Hi, could you tell me please how can i do this like LFGP… with terraform.
At LFPG the terraform at the bridges are very well precise and when i try to
make something like that with falloff distance set “1” it makes a hole vey
weird, please help. Here im trying to make a terraform hole setting falloff
distance to 1 but make that weird form instead a “perfect” square hole.
Terraforming is a strugle but with latest SU it is usable. First of all you
need to enable new terafforming [uncheck OLD TERAFORRMING from Options
menu] and then build your scenery like that. Tah will give you a LOT more
precision Cheers and happy digging
Hey Danilo081 can you tell me where to find [uncheck OLD TERAFORRMING from Options
menu] is this within the SDK at top left of screen in the Dev mode line or in the games options from the main menu? Thanks
Thanks my friend
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