Texture banding issue


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: In flight

Bug description:
We’re observing a hint of darker shading. Maybe AO?. It appears that these lines align with the geometric edges. I experimented with this on a current project, applying only a material with any maps plugged. The problem was there. I don’t recall encountering this prior to SU15,maybe I’m wrong.

**Repro steps:Select any aircraft and fly. Screenshot are from TBM on ground


Cessna Grand Caravan

Hello @LioC ,

This is by design and there are no plans to update or change this system.


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Hi Boris,

Thanks for the response, can you advise if MSFS 2024 will address this issue? your response seems to imply we will suffer from this anomaly forever?

Although I understand for MSFS 2020 we facing challenges and you guys will not be able to update the core to fix this particular problem, I find it a bit difficult to accept we will not see improvement with new versions of the simulator.

All the best,

Does adding a FLAGS for the COMP with _DEFAULT=QUALITYHIGH not improve this? I’ve done this to get rid of noticeable AO banding on a few hangar interiors. Just use sparingly.

Can’t tell if it’s the same or not in the photos.

No, as I said “I experimented with this on a current project, applying only a material with any maps plugged”.
It’s not texture related I think.

Ah. I misunderstood that on my first readthrough.

In that case, it’s likely a shader or generated AO limitation, as you said.

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