Textures ans Projected mesh not displaying normally


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Hello, I have been testing the new MSFS24 with the dev Alpha and tried to put the MSFS20 sceneries that I made into the game without any modifications. The problem is that all the textures became pink and the projected mesh disappeared so If someone know why it’s doing that it could be really welcome. I use SketchUp and MCX to build and export into the game so it may be a part of the problem but I’m not sure. I also tried to Build it with the MSFS24 SDK but it just render the object when I’m close to it.



Are the xml files for your textures present?

When I build the scenery in FS24 it create xml files in the package source texture folder but in FS20 I don’t have XML files except for the object

If the xml files are there, then i don’t know the cause. Sorry.

So I made some like tests like importing other dev gltf files to on my FS20 scenery with MCX and test the package in FS24 or importing the MSFS gltf into blender and exporting from blender to MSFS and even creating objects with blender and exporting it directly to MSFS and it’s exactly the same result it work in FS20 but not FS24 so there is probably something missing in my FS20 files to make the textures work in FS24 but even when I compare with other packages from working scenery I can’t really find any striking differences so if someone can help with a solution or even some leads of what could have happened please to let me know because I don’t understand at this point.

Finally find the solution! So apparently to make the textures works it is mandatory to have the specify path for you modellib in you package as scenery\global\scenery\ and not a custom path like I did as scenery\modellib\ that work in FS2020 but not in FS2024 because it can’t find the texture. it’s as simple as that.

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