Asobo, you’ve mentioned you’re working on improvements to the missions system.
Can you give us an update on what to expect and maybe a timeline? Right now
the script editor is defunct and there is no way to make missions in the sdk.
What are the improvements you’re working on? Easier mission creation process,
saving system (also for bushtrips), fixing broken mission objects, AI planes,
weather, rewards, sound effects, documentation? Maybe we can work together on
this improvement process so it actually addresses the needs of developers, and
so we know what to expect and how long we’ll have to wait.
Hello, Mission creation is a huge topic that is “work in progress” on our end.
It will take quite a long time before an actual editor arrives in the DevMode.
However, in the meantime, we’ll provide a very detailed update of the
documentation on how to make missions the “old fashion way” (via .xml & .flt
files), which is also the way we do our missions internally at the moment.
How about allowing us to deploy missions made in the " very old fashioned
way ", that is to say, using the tried and tested .pln format? The same
format which customers love, [as I expounded upon in this
I actually quite liked the script editor that was there already. It’s way
faster than manually editing the .xml file, because you can easily add
elements and you have a good overview of the mission. I think the main problem
was that it didn’t support all available elements and there was no
documentation on the different elements (especially new elements such as
in the meantime, we’ll provide a very detailed update of the
documentation. So when and where does ASOBO expect this to happen.
Although it was a steep learning curve, the old OPT in FSX was outstanding…
something close to that would be great for all developers… waiting anxiously
for something to make FS2020 more interesting, realistic and challenging to
the serious users. Thanks for any update.
This was done partly for SU10. Check the flighting documentation: Mission
We still have a lot to cover. Let us know if there are some tags that you
would like to see documented in priority. Regards, Sylvain
Thank you… Can anyone confirm the following is the “CORRECT” folder to place
UserCreated Missions? If not, then where? I’ve made a few meager futile
attempts and each time it seems to end up in a different folder. Thanks for
any advise or reference. BTW, I’ve got the MS store version of MSFS2020.
Yes that’s right. But the community folder location can differ between users.
See the documentation here: SDK Overview | The Community
Here are some of the things I would like to learn more about:
RequestTeleportAction : It’s unclear how this element works, it’s not
really straightforward. Simobjects / AI : Being able to add controlled
traffic to a mission would be really useful. Templates : This could be a
useful way to make mission creation easier and faster, but it’s not clear how
it works. Thanks for all the hard work!
Missions seem to be the only way to bundle a .PLN and .WPR together, which is
essential for gliding. The current structure with information duplicated in
different formats between the .FLT and .PLN files makes it REALLY cumbersome
to create gliding flights as missions - the only real way is to start with a
Bush Trip and then go in and hand-edit the XML and FLT, removing a whole load
of stuff that just won’t work for gliding. I can do that but it’s an extreme
niche activity and seems totally unnecessary for a VFR flight around a common
flightplan with common weather. TBH for gliding it would be better if an
alternative hugely simplified format was permitted for missions, where you can
have a PLANE (i.e. a .FLT), a FLIGHTPLAN (.PLN), and a WPR in the mission
folder. No mission XML, no requirement for the multiply-cached flightplan info
in the FLT to match the desired flightplan in the .PLN (MSFS should simply
load that .PLN as normal when the flight starts at the Departure airport). The
radical trick is to convince the mission SDK developers that a use-case
without the carefully crafted complex XML programming environment is still
good. Of course if the mission does have an XML file with all the MSFS niche
programming goodness, then great, use that and assume the programmer has spent
the hours necessary to design a complex mission with all sorts of triggers,
sounds and complex behaviours. IMHO the gap between MSFS missions and UI-
driven “download a PLN off the internet, load into MSFS, choose the plane and
edit the weather as described in a forum post” is far too wide for multiplayer
repeatable flights.
Making missions with manual coding works fine (although slower than with the
script editor), but I’m really missing the ability to precisely place objects
in the world. We used to have the gizmo tool with which you could easily and
precisely place mission objects (areas, scenery objects, simobjects,
waypoints). Do you have any timeline on when this feature will be restored?
Bumping this, as the Mission and File structure is now way off in the SDK
documentation. There is no customflight.flt file and no my games in documents.
Trying to add a different towplane using this causes menu to disappear and
CTD. [Sim.0] Sim=Schweizer SGS-233A Pilot=Default Copilot=Default
TailNumber=C-GDFE AirlineCallSign= FlightNumber= AppendHeavy=False
GliderLaunchType=TOWPLANE TowPlane=Bellanca Scout Tow Plane [ResourcePath]
Path=testingtow [ObjectFile] File=testingtow [FreeFlight]
FirstFlightState=PREFLIGHT_GLIDER_TOWPLANE Seems the full functionality for
towplanes has not been added to the sim at this point. Will there be more
towplane functionality added?
I still get the customflight.flt in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\MISSIONS\Custom\CustomFlight
. I tested missions with custom
towplanes, and I found that any mission with a towplane (also stock) crashes
during loading. Maybe create new a topic for it
Can’t you just use a saved flight? When you save a flight it already comes
bundled with the compiled script (.SPB).