"This airport currently is under review." on published MSFSBot upload?

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for replying to this.

Is there any possibility that the team could reconsider that idea?

If you log a bug report on Zendesk, there is a good chance that it will never get fixed. I have logged something like 400 bug reports on Zendesk, and maybe a dozen of them have been fixed. There are airport bugs that are almost four years old that haven’t been fixed. And if you look at the list of #bug-logged and #feedback-logged bugs in the main forums, you will see that they will never get to most of the things we log.

I really hope that the team would reconsider this. Is there some kind of technical limitation? I can’t imagine so…KLAX is locked down, but KORD is another airport that came with the sim, and it’s not locked down.