For some aircrafts, for example the ATR and E-jets, the throttle commands are not working.
The ATR for example, THROTTLE_CUT and THROTTLE_FULL are working for me but not THROTTLE_SET or AXIS_THROTTLE_SET. Has anyone had similar issues and knows how to get around it!?
Then I think you may be doing something wrong then - they should work regardless of where the events are sent from.
Check that you are using the latest version of the ATR - I had a report the other day that this was not working (via FSUIPC7), but the issue was that the ATR version was an old one, and an update solved the issue.
Hi John!
Thanks for those hints! I have been trying again and I seem to have the latest version, however it doesnt work. I probably do something wrong, which wouldnt be the first or the last time, hehe.
How do you use lvars? And what is it?
Would you know how to interact with the cabin light buttons by the way in the 146? You seem to know these things,
lvars are local variables. Previously only available via the gauge API (i.e. in a WASM) but now accessible via the SimConnect SDK. See the MSFS documentation on variable types: Reverse Polish Notation
Which 146? Do you mean the BAE146 from Just Flight? If so, I don’t have that aircraft, and I see no presets listed for the lights in this aircraft on the MobiFlight HubHop site (
You need to check what is available in the aircraft - if standard events don’t work, check in this order:
- does the aircraft provide any custom events? If so, use those
- check if any Input Events are available
- check for lvars
- check for hvars (need to inspect code for this, related to next item)
- inspect the behavior of the switches/buttons using the MSFS debugging features, namely the behaviors window - see Uncovering input events using the MSFS2020 model behavior dialog – Bad Casserole
If you don’t know how to see what lvars are available or Input Events, you can use the free version of FSUIPC7 which has logging facilities that allow you to list available lvars and Input Events, as well as see what is happening in real-time when you operate the switches in the VC (via the logging console).
Note I am the developer of FSUIPC7, so if you want to try this and have questions, please use the FSUIPC7 support forum (FSUIPC7 MSFS - The simFlight Network Forums) and you can download from
I support the free version equally as the licensed/payware version.
Hi I was having a similar issue with the A320 Neo. THROTTLE1_FULL and THROTTLE2_FULL did not change the throttle at all with python simconnect. I’m new to all this and at the point where I’m not sure if it’s the python module, the sim, or me not understanding something. I developed a profile for an AI tool that can do a ton but some things like this, ATC window and AP DirectTo button seem not to work. Is there some sticky somewhere of what works and doesn’t? Thanks!! (Also you mentioned having the latest ATR what does that mean?)
I have tested both of those and they work in the A320Neo, so I would suspect that you have an error somewhere.
Not that I know of - you just need to try things. You can also check to see if there is a preset (on the MobiFlight HubHop site). If there is a preset for the function you want to implement, take a look at the calculator code to see what it uses. If its a k-type variable, which si an event, then the event should work. If there is no preset available, then the event may also work, but you need to test.
I was referring to the ATR 42-600 / 72-600 add-on aircraft. The assignments I suggested were working inthe latest version but not earlier versions.
“power” is the power 0-100 that you want to set.
Then it is converted to the scale -16383 to +16383 which is sent to msfs.
P= -16383 is full reverse if I remember correctly.
Thanks @DreadBeret59473 ! Is there any pattern to when the FULL command works versus SET? Or should we just always use SET? I don’t find any thing online except the SDK which does not provide any caveats of certain aircraft not working with certain commands.
I’m hooking this in to an AI system that calls the commands based on what it thinks is right from what the user says, so would be nice if there were some rules I could give it. Also for some reason throttle commands move the collective on the default MSFS 2020 helicopter, collective commands do nothing, and something else moves the throttle LOL. Hopefully this gets sorted in MSFS2024…
Sounds like an interesting project, impressive!
Yes it is different for all planes unfortunately… so one has to go through and test which events are working for which airplanes or helicopters and as you mention sometimes it is totally upside down… hehe. I wonder what msfs2024 will do with simconnect… lets hope for the best!!!
Apart from the SDK I have found some events via FSUIPC7 and also the behaviors functionality that you can find in developer mode.
If you find an event you can add it into the python file into the structure below, assuming we have the same python SimConnect library;
class __Engine(EventHelper):
list = [
(b’THROTTLE_FULL’, “Set throttles max”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’THROTTLE_INCR’, “Increment throttles”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’THROTTLE_INCR_SMALL’, “Increment throttles small”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’THROTTLE_DECR’, “Decrement throttles”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’THROTTLE_DECR_SMALL’, “Decrease throttles small”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’THROTTLE_CUT’, “Set throttles to idle”, “Shared Cockpit”),
(b’YOUR_EVENT’, “text”, “text”),