Thrust vectoring K Events and A Vars

Hi @EPellissier:

I’ve seen in the SDK that K events are already allowed for thrust vectoring, which is great for implementing TVC or Hover functions:

I’ve tried it with a lever template and it actually works. However, I do not see any A var in the SDK that allows us to know the state of the vector (which would be necessary for example to control exhaust animations, among other things). I wanted to know if you haven’t documented it or if they simply don’t exist.

An alternative way would be to create a variable L that controls the event K and at same time the animation. But I think it would be more appropriate to have access to a variable A if it exist.

If you can give me some information I would appreciate it.


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Hello again,

I would like to receive some response on this matter, @EPellissier, @FlyingRaccoon. Even if the answer is a simple “no”. But at least to know if I can follow this development path or I have to choose a different approach.

Thank you.

Hello @CodenameJack447

I converted this to a bug report.
There are “ENG TILT XXX” simvars that are available, but are missing from the documentation.

I have logged a bug so this is added to the documentation.



I really appreciate your reply @FlyingRaccoon! This might end up being a perfect fit for the Harrier, so I’ll test these variables with it to analyze the results.

I understand this is something being added to MSFS2024 and won’t ever be implemented in MSFS2020, right?

Best regards.