Tools Behaviors - missing Code Editor and Logging

Version: *SU/AAU/WU XX - 1.1.10 SDK 1.0.1

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Bug description:
I can’t seem to find the Debug Code and Debug Logger menu items

Repro steps:

see pic - where would it be?


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I am also curious about the capabilities of the new behaviors debugging panel. In MSFS 2020, we had the ability to force the value of animations which was extremely valuable to test the model’s animation independently from the behavior code.

Similar features such as the logger which could show the live RPN stack was very valuable. I understand that the direction of XML behaviors is to use more generalized templates with parameter definitions so perhaps this is no longer as necessary.

I do appreciate that there may be significant changes with the sim that constrain the capabilities of the dev tools but I hope to express the needs of developers for more data regarding how the sim internalizes the data we express through code and configuration.

Other than these issues, I would like to applaud the SDK team for developing such very good dev tools. There are so many amazing features that provide significant support.

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