Sorry, I never before used Blender. Can you tell me how unpack (or unlink) a file with multiple elements? I wish to export to MSFS some elements of the Road signs big pack recently purchased. After seeking on the manual and online info, I’m still unable to do that. When I try to export a single object, all the pack was exported. If I unlink an object it disappear.
Excuse my ignorance. Anybody can help?
The best advice is to take a basic Blender course if you want to use it
You are talking about elements, but if you don’t post any example of them, it is difficult to understand what do you mean
Maybe the file you have purchased have multiple mesh? Put the needed one into a Collection, the use the multi exporter to export that collection only
Thanks for your reply.
Images to clarify the problem:
Select an object from the pack:
After click export, all the pack is selected and exported as a single asset:
If unlink an object, it disappear. Can’t unpack the collection and load individual objects.
I don’t intend to learn Blender for design assets, there are very good designers to do that, I prefer to purchase the assets I need. Only intend to use Blender for export the items I’ve purchased.
I need only few of the objects included on the package I’ve purchased, but, can’t unlink these objects or unpack.
I know that is my failure. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
By basic Blender course I mean really basic handling
Click on the desired sign
CTRL+I to invert the selection
Press H to hide the selection (all the remaining signs) only your desired sign will display
Then export
Click on the desired sign, press M to move to a new collection (give the new collection a name about the sign)
This doesn’t require any modelling
Be aware that when you don’t create your 3d assets, you will likely run in texture/material/modelling issue later on. So really strongly advice to start learning
Tante grazie Federico per la tua aiuta !!!
Davvero voglio imparare quelle cose basichi d’il Blender, soltanto bisogno un puo di tempo… E volontade.
Auguri molti,
Rolo (Jorge Graziano Bach)
Many thanks Federico for your help!!!
I really want to learn those basic Blender things, I just need a little time… And willpower.
Best wishes,
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