Unable to open MSFS_SDK_Docs.chm file?

I’m getting: CantOpenCHMHelp.jpg
I can open other CHM files from other software I have installed that uses CHM
files, this problem only occurs with MSFS new documentation
installer. It seems is now separated into a “Core” installer and a
“Documentation” installer. I installed both from the download menu in MSFS
when under Dev Mode. Anyone else have this problem? Thoughts? Cheers, Rob.

Yes, I also have this problem, which I reported here:

major issues. I as well…seriously - I mean how does this update go
live?..who Quality Control this stuff…Literally not trying to be rude
here but how do you break this and other important things like jetways and and
aprons pink from (kinda) far aware from viewing airport.

Using this link is a temporary alternative.
https://docs.flightsimulator.com/ However, it seems the left index is also
broken on the latest online version, but at least the search works and can get
you somewhere. Hopefully the online version can be repaired faster. Regards,

The CHM file is important to me, since I convert it to PDF and then use Adobe
to manage/edit/update/annotation/search the file as it’s far more efficient
for my workflow and reference. I don’t really understand why a CHM file is
used when a PDF or DOCX or the many other more modern formats have facilities
to annotate and search and integrate/edit. I don’t use the online version
because it lacks ability to annotate and doesn’t provide for a more efficient
search. As you know, much of what we have to do is often “trial and error”
since the documentation is significantly lacking. The results of my trial and
error I add as annotations and/or edits to my converted CHM to PDF file.
Cheers, Rob.

The CHM issue is being investigated and we’ll (hopefully) have it resolved in
the coming update. We’ll also look at adding an additional PDF format for
those that want it. @Simbol The online version is working fine. Please ensure
the browser cache is completely clear and check again, as after each update
there can be issues between the CDN and cache that causes the online docs to
appear “broken”.

@Nocturne, Yes it is working now fine, has been ok for weeks but it wasn’t
when I posted about it at the beginning of august… all good now. Best, Raul