Unable to post multiple `K:` events in one go


I have a custom built home cockpit panel that I’ve been using successfully with MSFS 2020 and the FlyByWire A320N using MobiFlight to interface with the sim. After upgrading to MSFS 2024, I noticed that I am unable to post multiple K: events to the sim in response to a single button push. For example, I have a single “Fuel Pumps” button in my panel that is supposed to toggle all six fuel pumps on the A320N. The MobiFlight preset code to do this looks something like this:


This works great in 2020, but in 2024 it does nothing at all. However, it works if I try posting just a single event, like so:


This correctly toggles one fuel pump. Unfortunately, I have only one button on my panel so I need the ability to post multiple events.

This seems to be a regression from 2020 to 2024. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide to help resolve this. Thanks!

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Does mobiflight allow you to insert a pause between the K events? Might be worth a try.

Thanks for the tip. In fact, that was my first thought as well but it doesn’t look like MobiFlight has any built-in concept of pauses.

This isn’t limited to K events unfortunately; it also happens when triggering B events via RPN.

There’s a hacky way to get a pause inserted in MobiFlight for two events and it does resolve the issue, but due to how hacky it is it’s only possible for two events, not more, and only on button inputs.

The exact same sequence of events in MSFS2020 does not have this issue so it does appear to be a something that broke in 2024.