Using MSFS Visuals with Position and Camera Angles via API or Event Broker


I am reaching out to ask a specific question about Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). My need does not involve the simulation or piloting aspects, but rather the visual representation of the world provided by MSFS.

Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to:

  1. Send my position in space (latitude, longitude, altitude) as well as camera angles (pitch, yaw, roll) via an API or event broker.
  2. Update this information every X milliseconds to ensure smooth movements within MSFS.

My goal is to take advantage of the rich visuals and graphical rendering of MSFS while directly controlling the camera through external data.

Is this functionality currently supported in MSFS? If so, could you guide me to any resources or documentation to help implement it?

Thank you in advance for your assistance and the time you’ll take to respond.

Best regards,

We’ve requested a camera API since the first day this very forum was created. Nothing changed since

if you think out of the box, an API camera may not be needed

i have something like you described already running for some clients

you can start here:

SimConnect SDK

Thank you for your reply. Do you have any idea why they dont do it ?

Thank you. Would you have more details ?

They want everything to be built-in (+1 thing on Asobo’s plate). There is a lack of willingness to give us such an API.

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