VFX completely gone from

I have several VFX (Asobo Stock) placed on my sceneries (Added using the scenery editor, just placing the vfx on the ground). These render normally on DevMode when added for the first time. However, upon building the project and adding it to the community folder, none of the VFX render on the scenery.

VFX added to aircraft are fine, seems to be only on Sceneries that the issue occur

You tagged this for MSFS 2020, change it to MSFS 2024 so Asobo can read it right.


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Issue seems fixed on, however I still have a few vfx implementations to check.

I’ve may have spoken too soon. Relaunched the sim and fx are gone again. It seems very inconsistent, the build hasn’t changed - yet VFX does not always display on sceneries

Hello @vantech,

Does your issue disappear if you set a very high MaxDistanceEmission value on your VFX emitters ? Something like 1 billion just to make sure.


I’m not using custom VFX, this issue occurs with all ASOBO VFX. I’m placing the Engine Smoke and Red Smoke vfx on my scenery

I did some extra digging and seems very inconsistent. At times, the VFX spawns and renders correctly. Other times it doesn’t render at all. Even on the same simulator session, the first flight it would render correctly, 2nd flight it doesn’t. If you need files to test, let me know.

Ah yes sorry you mentionned it was Asobo VFXs indeed.

I have a consistent repro and was able to circumvent by setting a large MaxDistanceEmission value. VFXs try to spawn when the camera is still very far and zooming in toward the ground where the player will spawn. They are instantly cut because they are over this MaxDistanceEmission value. I am currently working on a fix for this issue.


Hello @vantech

This should be fixed with version
