Visualize Waypoints in a WorldScript?

Has anyone found a good way to visualize waypoints when creating a
worldscript? I was hoping it would be as simple as using the mission script
editor, but it doesnt seem to work with Worldscripts. That or I am
misunderstanding how to get it to open… I modified one of the default flock
scripts to allow only a single Bear to roam around, which I’m hoping to expand
on in the future, but since the waypoints use offsets, it makes it difficult
to understand what the exact path is. It seems this system was able to use
coordinates at one time, but I assume these have been depreciated as none of
the scripts using them would work for me, and the default scripts have all
since been converted to use offsets. Any thoughts? Would be nice to be able to
place a script and drag these points around in real-time.

You can use the Simobject debug in devmode to see the waypoints. I think you can use waypoints that have a world position, like this:

<Waypoint InstanceId="{}">
        <WorldPosition>N28° 38' 53.20",W17° 49' 32.80",+000400.00</WorldPosition>

You can also first make your world script as a mission, then you can use the script editor and move waypoints around using the gizmo.