WASM fsPlannedRouteGetEfbRoute does not return Destination runway is some cases

Version: SDK 1.1.2 2024

Frequency: Always

Severity: Annoying

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: No

Context: WASM fsPlannedRouteGetEfbRoute does not return Destination runway is some cases

Attachments: N/A, but can be provided upon request

Bug description:

Using fsPlannedRouteGetEfbRoute() does not always return the Destination Runway

e.g. FPlan KLAX to CYYR (see PLN below) returns

Approach: 4;;8;0 (type;suffix;rw;rwdes) → missing Suffix (see other report)
ApproachTx: (empty)
Destination: CYYR;CY;0;0 (ICAO;Region;rw;rwdes) → missing Runway 08

however FPlan LSZH to LSGG (see PLN below) returns

Approach: 4;;22;0 (type;suffix;rw;rwdes)
ApproachTx: SAPRE
Destination: LSGG;LS;22;0 (ICAO;Region;rw;rwdes) → includes Ruwnway 22

exported PLN:
… CYYR case (no Arrival)

  •    <ApproachDetails>  

…LSZH case (has Arrival)

  •   <ArrivalDetails>

lol @ severity “Annoying”.

We might look again at the EFB webapp/PLN api’s in six months but for now we’ve given up on it and implemented a simple parallel api framework that just works.

Good luck with the bug report. BTW you’ll find the Departure runway has bugs also.

It is the same for fsPlannedRouteRegisterForBroadcast, the structure FsPlannedRoute that is passed to the callback contains no destination and it seems to be a lot of garbage in it.

A few questions:

  • Is this with using the corrected FsVisualPattern that you noted in the other thread?
  • In the CYYR case, does the PLN contain any ArrivalDetails element at all? It should at least have ArrivalDetails with a RunwayNumberFP that has the selected destination runway.


This is most likely due to the issue reported here: WASM MSFS_PlannedRoute.h FsVisualPattern wrong


Yes, I can confirm that it works if you use the corrected FsVisualPattern. Thanks!


Yes it is but this one is about the WASM interface the other was the PLN export
don’t know if I should file each one seperately or if the compiled zip in the other thread is sufficient
Just let me know

I thought maybe a good thing to have in the result would be the alternate airport if there is one?

@bm98 Issues with the origin or destination runways being missing should be addressed in the latest SU1 update. Can you verify that the issue is solved now for you in this update?


Tested with SU1 V1.3.10 SDK 1.2.2

seems OK now the Runway is included in the Arrival Airport element via WASM call when applying the test case CYYR ILS X RW08 and no Arrival procedure selected

strange enough the PLN now includes an ArrivalDetails with only the runway -see below (does not harm but has certainly changed from before)
Arrival procedure was None in the EFB
