WAV Sound in XML

I am currently trying to add a few missing sounds to a WWISE sound set

the sound pac works fine but one or two sounds were omitted … For example I need to add a Stick Shaker Sound using a WAV Stored in the \sound folder, triggered by the Stall Warning (Or an L var) .

Based on advice given by an experienced WWISE programmer we have come up with the following code section But Alas … there is no sound being played :frowning:

<Sound WwiseData="false" WwiseEvent="STALL_WARNING" FileName="SHAKER" Continuous="true"  NodeName="AP_Altimeter_Knob" SimVar="STALL_WARNING">
<Range LowerBound="1" />

could anyone enlighten me please as to the correct Syntax and or formatting ???


Assuming this is in the < SimVarSounds > section the simvar does not have an underscore
should be

Many thanks … I will try that now

No … that still isnt working …

The line is in the and the Shaker.Wav is in the sound folder
There s nothing clear in the SDK :frowning:

For ‘continuous’ sounds I prefer control over the volume and pitch although in your case if you’re really limiting your requirement to a 0…1 boolean like “STALL WARNING” it’s more than you want. FWIW here’s a complete working entry from sound.xml for a sound file “glider_wind.wav”:

	<Sound WwiseEvent="STALL_WARNING" ViewPoint="Inside" Wwisedata="false" FileName="glider_wind">
		<PitchCurve SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="knots">
		  <Point SimValue="0" Output="1" />
		  <Point SimValue="20" Output="1.1" />
		  <Point SimValue="100" Output="2" />
		<VolumeCurve SimVar="AIRSPEED TRUE" Units="knots">
		  <Point SimValue="0" Output="0" />
		  <Point SimValue="20" Output="1" />
		  <Point SimValue="60" Output="2" />
		  <Point SimValue="100" Output="30" />

with your inputs and some serious digging I have it sorted…
For anyone interested here is a snippet ----
inside the <SimVarSounds> Section

		<Sound WwiseData="False" WwiseEvent="STALL_WARNING" FileName="STALL_HORN" SimVar="STALL WARNING" Units="bool">
			<Range LowerBound="1" />

WwiseData="False" signifies that the sound is NOT Built into the sound pack but must reside in the sound folder as in WAV format

`WwiseEvent=“STALL_WARNING” is a generic term that Must use an existing WWISE EVENT from within the sound pack

FileName="STALL_HORN" Indicates the File name of the WAV

SimVar="STALL WARNING" Units="bool"> Signifies the Sim Var to be interrogated and that it is a Boolean

<Range LowerBound="1" /> Uses the Boolean when Positive

Thanks for the assistance posters!

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Hello! I’m struggling to get a sound to trigger for one of my switches. From the model.xml file, What’s the code needed to trigger the sound pointed in sounds.xml? Any help would be appreciated ! :slight_smile:

Do you mean a WAV file or a sound embedded in a WWISE soundbank? If it’s just a WAV file (e.g. “STALL_HORN.wav”) then the instructions from ModelMuncher immediately above your post should cover it. The sound will be played when the SimVar goes positive, or you can use “LocalVar” instead of SimVar and use the name of an “L:” variable you’re updating in your model XML.

Maybe it’s worth you explaining in more detail what sound you’re trying to play, and what’s the situation you’re expecting to trigger the sound?

Hello! Thanks for replying.

I got the sound working from ModelMuncher instructions. Thanks @ModelMuncher_xblms. But the point is: I need to trigger the sound for my magnetos ON an OFF Positions.

This code did the trick partially, because it just trigger it for the magneto ON position. (RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1) I´d like to know how can I get the sound plays when the magneto is OFF too. I didn´t find a Simvar for Magneto OFF. Maybe there is some parameters missing for that. I´m sure there is a way, but no lucky yet. For me It doesn´t matter to use a SOUND bank PACK or a .wav file. Can you help me in this journey? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


This snnipet did the trick :slight_smile:

- This is reading the SIMVAR state. (1) = ON
- This is reading the SIMVAR state. (0) = OFF

It´´s Working like a Charm !

Now I´m trying to figure out how to do the same with a Panel Light Potenciometer. Any help would be very appreciated.