Yep, I mentioned Kai’s name to say that this airport wasn’t just done by anybody, but by somebody we would all trust. And I also verified the World Hub version that’s out there, and the airport polygon is correct. It’s not like it veers off and accidentally covers all of those houses that got flattened.
And I brought up KCDW before, as my airport, which has a bug. I know you probably don’t know the quality of my work, but that airport was done very carefully, and it was not only approved by a moderator but also verified by other people who have looked at it.
Yes, there is an approval process for the World Hub. I don’t think that this is the moderators’ fault, as the polygon at that airport is correct. I have no idea what kind of post-processing happens to fold that airport into the BGLs in your fs-base-genericairports folder, but I have to guess that something must have broken down in that process.
Just to make sure I’m clear with what I’m communicating, there is nothing wrong with the airport that was submitted to the World Hub. I would love to post the .zip file for the airport on here for others to verify on their own, but I don’t know what the rules are on that kind of thing.
The World Hub is still in alpha right now, and there is an expectation that there would be bugs. So I’ll just cross my fingers that the SDK team is looking into the bug report that I raised.
You can’t. I can’t even in the World Hub website. But you can see what has been published by following News & Announcements in the main forums. Airports get submitted every day, but airports only get published into production once a month with every AIRAC cycle. You can expect the next one to occur in mid-May.
Please keep in mind that these lists tell you nothing about what has changed at these airports. Somebody could have comprehensively overhauled the entire airport, or they could have moved a windsock. And in either of those cases, they would be on the list.