What is helicopter turbine isolation?

Hello. The SDK has these helicopter events since SU11, and I’d like to understand what they do and how they are intended to be used?

I think these may be somehow an error or left over debug logic, because turboshaft engines will not produce thrust (the power goes to the shaft). Could these have to do with a twin engine gearbox and one shaft being disconnected perhaps?


Event Name Parameters Description
ISOLATE_TURBINE_OFF (helicopters) N/A Disable the isolation of the turbines.
ISOLATE_TURBINE_ON (helicopters) N/A Enable the isolation of the turbines, which will nullify drag and thrust.
ISOLATE_TURBINE_SET (helicopters) [0]: True / False (1, 0) Enable (True, 1= or disable (False, 0) the isolation of the turbines. Isolated turbines will nullify drag and thrust.
ISOLATE_TURBINE_TOGGLE (helicopters) N/A Toggle turbine isolation between on (True, 1) and off (False, 0). Isolated turbines will nullify drag and thrust.


Hello @davux3

These are not applicable to helicopters and were introduced specifically for the Dark Star aircraft.
I don’t think it has any use unless you have a good reason to want to nullify thrust and drag.

We will correct the documentation.


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