Hi all,
I’m a very amateur airport scenery editor. I have a bunch of MSFS2020 airports that I have to update to MSFS2024 and I’m curious to know what is the flow for small airports from other devs to fix and update to MSFS2024?
I have identified these so far:
Taxiway lines disappeared when just putting my sceneries into the MSFS2024 community (some are pink). I just need to recompile the scenery.
Customed SimObject need to be upgraded automatically by the scenery editor during the first opening.
Polygons vegetation need to be re-assigned with the correct biome
Polygons elevation need to be checked
Polygons Falloff had to be reset (warning “you are using the old falloff calculations”)
Reposition objects correctly based on the “new” Bing satellite images
I have no idea what to do with the new “Globally Overiden Base Sim Files” tab in the project inspector
Work on LoD for object in Blender. And here I really need to skill-up as I’m a real rookie that was OK for MSFS2020 and the requirements seems to be challenging for professional, so you can imagine for a leisure/amateur dev.
A good advice for sceneries builder: backup our scenery project before using it in the Project Editor in the DEV Mod. Afeter modifications, it will be not be useable in MSFS 2020 Project Editor.
For LoD generation, ERASAM has open on github a new project to release a plgin for Blender in order to generate more easily the various LoDs.
I personally copy the entire project into a new root folder “2024”. Thus, I’ll have 2020 and 2024 versions.
I’ve seen the Github Erasam’s project and will need to investigate how it could be applied to my objects (some are basic, others are poorly well designed) which are only building/ground static and not at all complex aircraft.
Anyone faced a FS2020 airport that doesn’t overide the FS2024 one? Even when I put building exclusion poly, it doesn’t affect FS2024 airport objects…
Is it not excluding everything, or perhaps just the SimPropContainer objects? There was no way to exclude those in a 2020 project, because the object type didn’t exist then.
I have been copying my 2020 project to a new 2024 folder, then editing that in the new sim. To extend the exclude to SimPropContainers, just tick that box in its exclude properties.
There must be something I don’t get. I don’t see any box SimPropContainer exclude in the poly properties. Maybe there is a way to edit the FS2024 default airport ? The other exclusions options works (roads, water, etc). Another strange thing: there is no way to click on a poly you just created on the airport when it is no longer selected, as if it was under another layer, but you can outside of the airport. You can see both FS2020 custom buildings and default FS2024 ones in the pic too: