Where did 'Get Me Back on Track' go?

Hello, A customer brought up that ‘Get Me Back On Track’ is no longer
available on the VFR Map to help with guidance on bush trips. Did this change
to the GPS Tracking slider on the map now? The mission engine still prompts
user that it is available for use without an achievement reward. Thanks! Jeff
@ Adventum Simulations

The GPS Tracking doesn’t seem to do anything in missions or does something
need to be active for it to work?

Hello @AdventumSims I was not able to reproduce this behavior with our
official bushtrip (SU10 / SU11 Flighting) . You can send me your package and I
will take a look into it… See[ 3) Provide Private
information-release-notes.html) Regards, Boris

Hi @AdventumSims , I’m sorry for the delay, I checked your package, it could
be the MissionType in your FLT that should be set to BushTrip but I can’t edit
things to test. Can you send me the project via a private comment ? Thanks,
Regards, Boris