Where should I store my attenuation sharesets?

Hey guys,

the latest update screwed my custom attenuation sharesets.
No harm done because I backed up the old wwisesampleproject.
Extract from the error messages in

Warning 19:13:29 ReferenceNotFound Blend Container ‘\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\AIRCRAFTS\AIRCRAFT_WWISEDATA\AIRCRAFT_PLAYER\ClassicsHangar_KL25D\3D\engine\engine\combustion\combustion_inside\combustion_inside_cockpit’ has a ‘Attenuation’ reference to ‘aircraft_player_inside_center’ that does not exist, for platform ‘Linked’. The reference has been removed. combustion_inside_cockpit

Should I create an own work unit in “Attenuation”? What would be the naming conventions? Can’t find anything about it in the SDK.

Problem solved.
Creating a custom work unit takes care of the issue.