Why is feathering so slow?

As the title.
Setting a prop to feather is extremely slow. Setting a target rpm of 0 gets the job done way faster.

Here in the short video both engines are shutoff. The left engine prop lever is set to -100 and the right is first set to 0 and then -100 to finish the feather.

i tried using the force beta system, but the behaviour is identical to setting -100.

Can we set A:PROP BETA? it would solve the problem and allow us to make my own prop governors.

relevant engine config

propeller_type = 0 ; 0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter = 6.2336 ; Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades = 3 ; Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi = 1.5 ; Propeller moment of inertia
use_propeller_rpm = 1;
beta_max = 85.8 ; Maximum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
beta_min = 13 ; Minimum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
min_gov_rpm = 0; 
prop_tc = 30 ; Prop time-constant
gear_reduction_ratio = 1.69 ; Propeller gear reduction ratio
fixed_pitch_beta = 14 ; Fixed pitch angle of fixed pitch prop, (degrees)
low_speed_theory_limit = 0 ; Speed at which low speed theory becomes blended in (feet/second)
prop_sync_available = 0 ; Prop synchronization available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_deice_available = 1 ; Prop de-icing available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_feathering_available = 1 ; Prop feathering available?  0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_auto_feathering_available = 0 ; Prop auto-feathering available?  0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
min_rpm_for_feather = 0 ; Minimum RPM for prop feathering
beta_feather = 85.8 ; Feathering pitch angle (degrees)
power_absorbed_cf = 0 ; Coefficient of friction for power absorbed by propeller
defeathering_accumulators_available = 1 ; Defeathering accumulators available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_reverse_available = 0 ; Prop reverse available?  0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
minimum_on_ground_beta = 0 ; Miminum pitch angle on ground, (degrees)
minimum_reverse_beta = 0 ; Minimum pitch angle in reverse, (degrees)
prop_reverse_max_vel = 2 ; Max uvel when reversing

prop_governor_p = 100 ; Propeller governor controller P
prop_governor_i = 0 ; Propeller governor controller I
prop_governor_d = 0 ; Propeller governor controller D
prop_governor_iboundary = 0 ; Propeller governor controller I Boundary
prop_governor_dboundary = 0 ; Propeller governor controller D Boundary