Why is there circles on a (default) airport runway?

I thought i was going crazy with my own scenery, until i reset everything and created a brand new project, et voilá

what the hell are these? :o

heres EFTK. different surface type but happens (completely default untouched scenery)

In the airport properties there is a new section that adds overall characteristics and grime to airport ground surfaces.

You can uncheck them to remove stuff like that.

thanks for your reply! i did know of those (thanks to asobo for the super great UX btw hiding this sh*t in airport as opposed to runway) but doesn’t seem like these circles are affected by any of them…

Ah. I wasn’t looking close enough. That’s actual geometry rather than a ground marking.

You could try a polygon and checking the exclude secondary height map option?

It might still be attempting to render detailed 3d ground, but that’s not super likely considering the shapes.

Thanks a lot for your reply and suggestions. this seems unaffected by polies though, it seems to be baked into the runway bump (normal map) and doesnt stop unless you delete the rwy or really plaster it over with something. as you can see above however, even a projected mesh (what im doing with the rwy) doesnt really fix it… i’m at a loss…