Why MSFS2020 loading procedure (after 4 years) must be so crap/buggy?


Frequency: Frequently

Severity: Blocker

Context: Loading screen asking to insert the MSFS2020 disc while being using Game Pass digital version

**Bug description: I just would like to know why the loading procedure of MSFS 2020 after 4 years from the launch can still be so crap/buggy.

**Repro steps:just start the sim as all of the simmers do and try to trace why it is not working and asking for a disc

Could be worse I guess, at least it is not asking you to load a “Paper tape” !!

Seriously, who still gets MSFS on DVD ? It would be out of date before you received it in the mail , and with 2024 being so ON LINE based, surely a DVD is way outdated as a means to install MSFS.

Haha, exactly!

Kinda weird seeing this still happens, considering you (@erasam) are running the download version of the sim :thinking:, and now that MSFS 2024 is coming, I think this silly bug might happen again :confused:

BTW, I agree with @N6722C about the DVD being outdated. In my case, even though I have a DVD copy of MSFS2020 (still brand-new, sealed and never opened), I do not use it because I have the digital copy of it, but I have it for collection instead, like if I were collecting (for example) a sealed, never-opened, brand-new box from an old version of Windows. (Please apologies if this might deviate from the topic)

Carlos Daniel González Gómez
NextGen Simulations

I have NEVER had the DVD version, but there were times, over the last 9 months, that occasionally MSFS would want me to Insert a DVD.

That issue seems to have gone away now, to be replaces with a Picture of the X-Box controller at the bottom of the MSFS loading screen – and I have NEVER been on X-Box !!

Go Figure…