Why some faces of my object looks luminescent in MSFS?

There are some of my created objects showing luminescent face as soon as
imported in MSFS. This is not acceptable at night ! Did any one faces this
problem ? Were could it come from ? All objects Made with blender and gimps.

Hello @Kfir1958 Please provide a sample gltf demonstrating the problem so we
can investigate. Regards, Sylvain

Hy Sylvain, here is first a screenshot made at night. The scene should be
black. Red circles indicates the parts providing light. All building/objects
are made with the same process but after placing in MSFS some of them provide
this defect. Thank you

Blender startup scene comes with an already placed light object (and a cube
and a camera) Maybe you need to remove that light before exporting :slight_smile:

I finaly got the answer to this remaining problem. It is due to the lamp
closed or not during the conception with Blender…