Windshield issue with new Blender exporter 2.3.2

Version MSFS:

Version exporter Blender : 2.3.2

Version Blender : 3.6.17

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Even though my previous post on an equally Windhield Materiel-related problem ended in a “fixed”…, I am compelled to resubmit a problem for this particular material.

The latest exporter created by Asobo simply invents a non-existent texture and the result is of course not what was hoped for! To make things simpler, I’ve drawn up a new little report that explains in detail where the error lies, and how to correct it…, though I can’t explain why this error occurs…

I’d like to thank the Asobo team in advance for the Beta 1 release, which represents real progress on the previous version, and I’m counting on the team to correct the Blender exporter as soon as possible.

Rapport Windshield Asobo.pdf (551.2 KB)



Thank you for the pdf.

This is a Khronos limitation and this will be fixed for SU2.
