ZSYT Airport data error

Regarding Airport ZSYT
Bug description:The old Laishan Airport has been closed, and the new airport was renamed Yantai Penglai International Airport and opened in 2015.
The new airport location has moved. When I uploaded the file, it showed that the XML file for airport is not valid or malformed.
Yantai Penglai International Airport - Wikipedia.
Airport_ZSYT_Project.zip (30.0 KB)

Hi, welcome to devsupport.

Renaming airports and creating new airports is not supported at this time via the World Hub. There are no announced plans to change that.

I suggest logging your airport bug report on Zendesk. Airport bugs will get sent to the world team. I don’t know if this would help or not, but if you mentioned in the bug report that this type of thing is not supported in the World Hub, maybe they might take it a little more seriously. I don’t know if that’s true, but maybe worth a shot.

Also, if you do fill out any kind of bug report here or in the end user forums, it helps if you don’t delete the template that pre-populates a form for you to fill out. They give that format because they want to see certain information

Thanks for your help, I will try it

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