Adding Ground marks textures crashes the SDK

Version: 1.0

Frequency: Every time

Severity: Blocker
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: LRIA - Iasi International

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description: SDK crashes as soon as i add ground marks texture

Repro steps:
-First i started a new project from scratch. Added Airport information , Runway including all settings (rwy marks, edges ,ils etc) .Added stands ,created taxiway network with proper connectivity. As soon as i add ground textures for stand numbers or taxiway lines SDK crashes after saving , compiling (no errors) and re opening the project to continue working on it.
-I deleted everything and started the project again from scratch , this time i added the airport, runway and add taxiway lines texture. Again, the SDK crashes.
-Uninstalled the latest sdk version and installed the previous one- same thing
-Uninstalled sdk from my system and used the one from the servers-same thing
-Uninstalled the hole game and installed it again , opened the project and is crashing again.
-As soon as i remove any texture added to materialLib folder SDK works.
Please see attachment with the entire project (586.7 KB)

My system Info: (if needed)
Windows 11 Pro
12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900K
Prime Z790-V AX mother board
DRAM 64Gb & 4000
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 TI

Private attachments: Send a PM to @PrivateContent with the link to this topic and the link to download your content

Please let me know if you need any other information’s.
Best Regards

Hello @OltcitRoom ,

Could you specify which object in the scenery editor you’re using exactly? I’m guessing it’s an apron?

When does the crash occur? Is it during saving, immediately after applying your texture to the object, or when opening your project?

If possible, uploading a video demonstrating the issue would greatly help us understand the process.

Also, see 2) Use “Report-An-Issue” to generate a crash report archive

Last thing : there is no need to uninstall or reinstall the SDK to test.
The DevMode and its editors are fully integrated into the game and the sdk is not part of the issue. :wink:

Thank you,


Hi Boris ,
Thank you for your replay.

Yes it does for an apron and for taxi lines.

Please see the video i generate with the crash here:

Also regarding the crash report the sim doesn’t generate any report after launching the sim after a crash

Thank you, please let me know if you need more information from me.


Hello @OltcitRoom and thank you for the video.

Here’s another way to generate a dump file:

Follow these instructions and ensure you set the DumpType to 2 to create a full dump.

Once done, you can upload it using services like WeTransfer, SwissTransfer, or Google Drive etc, and share the link with us in a private message to @PrivateContent.

Thank you


Hi Boris, the latest update fixed the problem. I was testing it for two days and have no issues. Thank for your help.
Best regards

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Thank you for the feedback :wink:
