Hey, I have created an airplane via AICreateNonATCAircraft at my Airport. When
now sending waypoints for taxi instructions to it, it will remain at the
position with the State “STATE_SIMPLE_TAXI”. Flag is set to ON_GROUND. When
removing the flag the Aircraft will jump directly to “STATE_SIMPLE_TAKEOFF”
and start stright forward. I have checked the SDK sample but was unable to
find one for an NonATCAircraft with taxi instructions to test it as well.

Update: Creating the airplane with AICreateSimulatedObject → Same issue
Creating a ground vehicle with AICreateSimulatedObject using the same code to
send waypoints → working as it should. ==> Seems to be related to

Update (used the sample AIObjectsAndWaypoints): Replace the firetruck with the
“DA62 Asobo” → it will takeoff like the 1st DA62 Asobo. Add the Ground FLAG
to the waypoints → it will remain in position

Sample is uplaoded here:!AqjmyvgAhMkBn6M4R-kwWspYSlUNmw?e=Xpk4ZE

We programming the “Enhanced Live Traffic” Mod and had the same problem. No
taxi of aircrafts if you set the “onground” flag. The planes stuck at the
position and starts to turn around the own axe. So we could only use the
positioning. This bug is really annoying… The problem is also that there
are no variable for Heading for the waypoint function. I think that taxiing
without heading will be a problem with this function.

I have an idea. Maybe you have to release the brakes. I would try, but
honestly I don’t know how to code that! I don’t know how you will set
variables to the AI objects!

@FlyingRaccoon any chance to had a look at the sample?

Yes, this has been reviewed and added to our backlog.

That’s great and make hope! Thank’s!

The same problem occurs when placing objects with a mission script. You can
kinda work around it by giving the waypoint a speed. I think you can do it
with ktsSpeed in simconnect:

sadly even with Speed it does not work in SimConnect

Sorry to bring up old topic but I’m assuming this never actually got fixed and is being mostly deprioritized because everyone dedicated enough ended up working around it and manually updating aircraft positions? I don’t want to have to do that but I’m getting the strong impression from research here that it’s the only way to make an aircraft move on the ground?

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Jul 2022

Yes, this has been reviewed and added to our backlog.

Its been 2 years now, and increasing more Devs are wanting this Ground Control feature to work, and having to do very inefficient & resource hungry work arounds,

As it is working in the air, but not on the Ground, maybe it;'s just a simple bug that could be fixed quite quickly & easily, and would work as intended, as well as saving Devs the time & resource expense, to implement an unsatisfactory work around.

As you indicated that ASOBO had “looked at it”, are you able to tell us if the issue is working correctly ON the Ground in MSFS 2024, which is only a few months away, with an answer making it a lot easier for devs to plan going forward , the best way to inject traffic into the sim, both in the air, and also in the same way, correctly on the ground.

Thanks …

To add a smidgeon more detail to the issue/clarify the earlier points made what happens is thus:

If you AICreateNonATCAircraft() and pass it waypoints that have the ON_GROUND flag set, it will enter AI state SIMPLE_TAXI but the “Pilot” will remain as “Zombie”, therefore it never tries to simulate any actions required to meet the waypoints. I don’t know if this is because it simply doesn’t have an appropriate “Pilot” for this implemented or indeed it could be a very trivial bug where it just needs to assign the correct “Pilot”.

If the waypoints do not have the ON_GROUND flag, it will simply charge recklessly forward from wherever it is and take off, it makes zero attempts to manoeuvre on the ground, it won’t care what speed/throttle value is set and will instead do whatever it needs to do to take-off, but it will function quite reliably in the air as far as I can tell. I believe having ON_GROUND flags do help it to land though!

If it’s an ATC aircraft instead and given a flight plan, it will enter a state like “TAXI_TO_RUNWAY” with a “Pilot” of “TAXI” which appears to do what it’s supposed to do but from what I’m gathering there’s no way to influence what paths this will take and it’s managed internally by the simulator and the airport taxi way data. I believe this is probably what some traffic injectors are doing?

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I your review, was it noted that this works 100% correctly in both FSX and all tested versions of P3D, including current version. ?