Yeah no, I tested it pushing the aircraft out like 1.5km away from its waypoint and it still just hovers in space with STATE_SIMPLE_FLIGHT but Pilot: Zombie.

If the initposition is on the ground, it’ll take off and fly waypoints, if it’s not, zombie mode…

So you got a double issue, unless I’m missing something here, @FlyingRaccoon

It won’t taxi if the next waypoint is on_ground and it won’t fly if it starts in the air. It sets the right flight states but the pilot remains zombie …

Hi Sylvain,

Sorry to be a pain in your derriere here, but I got another issue/bug with these NonATCAircraft…

If the aircraft is started on the ground (initpos onGround) and fed waypoints, it will fly them… if the final waypoints are also flagged as on ground, it will land… if you flag the final waypoint as wrap_to_first (i.e. to create a looping pattern)… the simulator will outright crash. I’m assuming that the Aircraft/AI state has to have switched to STATE_SIMPLE_LANDING and Landing respectively.

I appreciate time constraints and demands with the upcoming 2024 release but there is clearly a cart full of issues related to NonATCAircraft and waypoint behaviours :frowning: Any chance you can add the extra two issues (if not already known) and mention it again internally? It’d be much appreciated as this is really hampering a lot of cool stuff we would like to be able to do.

quick summary:

  • Aircraft spawned using AICreateNonATCAircraft()
  • If Aircraft is onGround in the init position and the first waypoint is also flagged as onGround, it enters STATE_SIMPLE_TAXI but pilot remains Zombie and nothing happens
  • If the Aircraft is NOT onGround in the init position and the first waypoint is also not flagged as on ground, it enters STATE_SIMPLE_FLIGHT but pilot remains zombie and it will hover infinitely at its init position
  • If the aircraft is onGround in the init position and the first waypoint is NOT flagged as on ground, it will enter STATE_SIMPLE_TAKEOFF, charge straight forward till it lifts off and then switch to STATE_SIMPLE_FLIGHT with a pilot of Waypoint. This then behaves pretty well following its waypoints…
  • If the above is done and the final waypoint is also flagged as on ground and altitude 0, it will enter the right states and pilot to land… however if that final waypoint is also flagged as WRAP_TO_FIRST, then MSFS 2020 will outright crash.

Let me know if I can get you additional debug information/crash logs/whatever to help with this.

Hello @Marajin360

Can you please create a dedicated bug report for the crash occurrence and provide a dump file as explained here: How to report a bug or crash - Bug Reports - MSFS DevSupport (


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