Bug report template says "edition" instead of "editing"

As I’ve said in other posts, I hate calling out language issues because I know that English is not everybody’s first language, and it makes me feel like this is personal, when I don’t mean it to be. As I’ve said before, the English of the people at Asobo is way better than any of my foreign language skills will ever be. That being said, this issue is reasonably frequent and it occurs in the SDK and in the documentation, and also here in the forums, so I want to call it out so it could hopefully get fixed.

I don’t speak French, but I looked up the word “editing” and saw that it translates to “édition.” Unfortunately, although the English language has the word “edition” (without the accent mark), the words are not the same between the two languages. Here is the English definition of the word.

The template in the Bug Reports category in these forums says the following:

Context: What package? In edition or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

The word I think that people are looking for is “editing.”

I believe that this would be clearer:

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Hello @N316TS

No offence taken :slight_smile:
I’ll fix this, thank you.


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