Bug description:When walking outside of the aircraft, the camera panel shows a state that isn’t factual. The CAMERA STATE vars are also useless in this mode.
This highlights another issue for 3rd party devs: The lack of SimVar to tell us if the user is in the aircraft or walking around or the ability to move the character to a given lat/lon.
Camera switching inconsistency remains on
User is in the “interior” camera during walkaround, should be automatically switched to exterior, or at least create a new camera state for walkaround.
We are using camera state to render/hide certain components.
@EPellissier@FlyingRaccoon Any means of tracking if user is in walkaround mode?
Btw switching camera inconsistency continues to occur - walkaround shouldn’t occur in “Cockpit” camera mode! When the flight starts C&D, camera mode is external, which is correct.