Detail normal maps almost not rendered


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: Planes from msfs2020 copied in Community in msfs2024

Bug description:
Detail normal map is barely visible

Repro steps:
Copy any plane in community compare details to msfs2020

Check out this one, looks almost the same:

You’re right it looks like a duplicate. This ticket can be marked as such.

I had strange feelings with the rendering on previous versions but with the watermarking it was a pain to watch.

Hello @bagolu

Your screenshots seem to demonstrate no normals at all.
Is it still like this in for you?
Make sure you test with identical graphics settings, ultra if possible.


You want to kill my PC :smiley:

normals are very faint but they’re present.
My previous screenshots were in high setting, the rendering (on theses parts) is the same in ultra.

Problem is still present in as reported in Normal maps not displaying objects - or very faintly - #10 by CodenameJack447

You can test with the DR400 :

Here’s with my c172 bushkit :

Regards & bon weekend

quick update as just dropped : no change with this version

1 Like

With, it seems there’s been some change, but it looks worse than before :

The composite part seems to be over enhanced.

Globaly, it’s still flat and washed out.

In MSFS2020

In MSFS2024 dev alpha and up to last week

In MSFS2024

In MSFS2020

In MSFS2024

Nb. this is on my mods over the Asobo skyhawk : theses parts are unmodified files (textures, normal details from the original plane) not something I’ve made up myself, but on my own materials and textures, the behavior is the same

In MSFS2020

In MSFS2024

In MSFS2020

In MSFS2024

1 Like

Hello @bagolu

I suspect you are testing in different graphics settings condition. (Make sure you have “Dynamic Settings” disabled and similar overall settings)
This is clearly visible on the seat screenshot where the texture resolution is lower than it should be.

Here’s what I have with max settings, which seems closer to original than demonstrated in your screens.

MSFS 2020

MSFS 2024

MSFS 2020

MSFS 2024


ho interessting. I remember setting the quality to ultra but not to check the Dynamic Settings. I’ll check that asap.


You’re perfectly right. I had this dynamic setting probably all along my tests, posting wrong results :confused:
The Normal Details looks fine without it (even when not in ultra setting).

They’re not exactly as in msfs2020 but that may be because of the composite layer where scale is quite different.

Thank you for having a look at it !

No worries :wink:
Glad you’re happy with the result.
