When I export an object with a Standard material with the “Disable Motion
Blur” enabled, the compilers reports this Asobo extension is not supported. I
hoped this could be used to prevent the persistence caused by TAA multi-frame
sampling during a fairly quick animation that flashes or switches between
several “frames”, which doesn’t happen if antialiasing is set to anything
other than TAA. Could this setting be used or, is there an alternative to
prevent the above problem ?
Hello @virtuali , This option is exactly made for what you describe, but
indeed, there seems to be a problem. We are looking into it Thank you for
reporting this problem, Regards, Boris
Hello @virtuali , This issue is fixed in the next SU9 Regards, Boris
Thank you for the update.
Umberto, where is this setting? could not find it on my 3DS exporter or
material settings… Best, Raul
@Boris, can you tell me where do I find this setting? I can’t find it… S.
It’s a property of the Flight Simulator Standard material.
Hi @Boris, Thanks, I don’t see this setting. Is this only available with SDK
.17? I am still on .16 until all problems with the new one are cleared.
Regards, Raul
Yes it’s only available in the updated 3DsMax plugin (wich is installed with
the SDK core 0.17) Regards, Boris