Displacement Map materials applied to polygons or aprons work in DevMode but not when compiled and run from in the community folder in the 2024 Sim


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: When editing from the SDK/DevMode you can create a polygon or apron and apply a displacement enabled material. This works when in the SDK however when you compile the package and put it into your community folder displacements maps don’t control terrain tessellation

Bug description:
When editing from the SDK/DevMode you can create a polygon or apron and apply a displacement enabled material. This works when in the SDK however when you compile the package and put it into your community folder displacements maps don’t control terrain tessellation.

Repro steps:
Make polygon or apron … apply displacement map enabled material and compile project then exit out and load the community folder version. Displacement / Tessellation doesn’t work in the game engine for terrain mesh.


In the 2024 SDK with game engine

In 2024 normal game mode with devmode closed and community folder loaded

Can confirm this. Which also leads us to the very interesting question of if and how we can apply height/displacement maps to projected meshes.

I cycled through the various material types but couldn’t find any that either have a heightmap or displacement map slot.

Which is particularly important if we place our own nature projected meshes somewhere as these flatten all existing heightmaps from the default scenery. We need to have an option that addons don’t look worse than default because additional content currently overrules all the good heightmap/displacement map stuff.


Hello and sorry for the delay,

Do you have still the issue ?
If yes, can you send us a simple package to help us reproduce this please ?
See 3) Send Private Content

Thank you


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Hi @Boris

This has now been resolved and is now working in

Josh / NZA Simulations


Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:
