IMPORTED AIRCRAFT - HTML5/JS Maps do not show airspaces, airport symbols and other symbols


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Marketplace package name: Tornado, F-35

Context: Tornado, imported with drag and drop in the Community folder

Bug description: HTML 5/JS maps on imported aircraft do not show the same symbology as in MSFS2024. In particular, airspaces do not show.

Repro steps:
MSFS2020 - start from the runway, go to the backseat and see the map in the circular display (RPMD)

MSFS2024 - start form the runway - INITIALIZATION SCRIPTS fail in msfs2024, so you will have to turn on the RPMD - check the map, you will see there are no airspaces.

Same issue on the F-35 (map mode is in the TSD screen) - but given that XML graphics do not work in MSF2024 at the moment, it is more difficult to toggle it.


TORNADO backseat in MSFS2020 - airspaces are displayed:

TORNADO backsseat in MSFS2020 - airspaces not shown:


What method is the JS code using to get airspaces/navaids/airports and display them?


None. Just set the airspaces to be visible in the map configuration - this only works on integer zoom settings but works consistently on MSFS 2020.


I guess my question here is if you have an example of how your JS map code is reading and displaying airspaces. Without that it’s hard to tell what the issue could be.


Hi Matt

Thanks for looking into this.
As per my initial message, the Tornado RPMD uses a “regula” map in MSFS without any additional element drawn on top.
What we have found is that if we enable airspaces in MSFS2020, they render in the map screen - only if the “zoom” is an integer number.

Here is the gauge - but most likely does not run without L: variable for the Tornado.
This is used only in the Tornado backseat. We have a similar element in the latest F-35 version (1.3.8). (41.6 KB)

Just in case my feedback was unclear:
In certain conditions, there is actually NO NEED to load and “display” the airspaces in MSFS2020.
Just enabling them in the map configuration (regular MSFS2020 map) does the trick - but only if the zoom level is an integer number.

Maybe this was unintentional, but it works in MSFS2020.

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Can you point to in the MSFS 2020 SDK documentation what you’re referring to as a regular map? Perhaps that would give me a better starting point as to what part of the SDK you’re using.


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Hi Matt - everything we use is in the .zip attached to the message above:

What we do is simply to create a map-instrument in the HTML (see the html in the zip) with show-airspaces=“true”.
Then as long as the map range is an integer, the airspace shows (see the initial picture).
No additional code - no drawing JS element to top.