I have some problems with shading. As you can see in blender the cockpit is “light-proof” both when light type is point and sun (and wherevere I would locate them) but in game there are massive leaks. Maybe that is worth noting that at the beggining of the project I also had these leaks in blender. I tried to fix it by obviously checking for any missing faces, not connected vertices, fliped normals etc but I couldnt find any errors. Then on blender forum someone advised me to change Evee render settings and also properties of sun and point lights and it worked perfectly but… not in game.
Also how to get the “deep inside” part of the cockpit dark as in screenshots from blender? In blender I achieved this using Ambient Oclusion but it looks like MSFS doesnt care about it at all. In graphics settings I turned Ambient Ocluson to Ultra so should work
Hello @Ignacy ,
Have you checked to ensure that the shadow sphere is not too large, yet still encapsulates the entire cockpit?
Additionally, there might be some hints here
I didn’t know that baking AO maps will solve the problem of light leaking… So the solution was to add AO maps.
As I spent dozens of hours trying to fix this (really, I am shocked thinking about amount of time I spent on this) and couldn’t find solution I think I am gonna try to add some simple tutorial on how to bake and add AO maps to game because I couldn’t find any good tutorial for MSFS.
Hi @SimWorld_Dev,
How did you know that these are single sided faces? I mean what will be the visual difference (Except on canopy which can’t be visible now from inside and that was my intention)?