Bug description: The MODEL ATTACHMENTS SDK says this is good for passengers. So I have made my own passengers but no lights from the interior base model show on the attached models. Only the copilot as this is a default attached model. So what am I doing wrong or can this get fixed?
From my experience, modelattachments are considered “exterior” items and are lit by exterior lights. This is in 2020 and 2024 and seems to be an optimisation “portal” feature to avoid having things lit by too many lights.
Update on SWS post. If your attached model is exterior then it’s works well.
For interior, If you add an exterior light that will work for your interior attached model. But there is some pros and cons to this. You have to write an update code to make the interior light trigger an exterior light you not using. And the worst part is the beacon light will effect bleed onto to the attached model.
Asobo needs to make an option to tell the sim to allow interior model logic.