MS2020 aircraft that otherwise work fine get Randomly Launched into orbit. This happens Cold and Dark, Running, on the Ground, in the air… without rhyme nor reason.
Multiple aircraft.
Has anyone experienced this behavior?
MS2020 aircraft that otherwise work fine get Randomly Launched into orbit. This happens Cold and Dark, Running, on the Ground, in the air… without rhyme nor reason.
Multiple aircraft.
Has anyone experienced this behavior?
This isn’t a question for the SDK. Please post in the Official User Forums. Thanks.
This is not a User question We are a Developer. Working on 2020 to 2024 migration.
If it’s not reproducible under consistent terms, I don’t think it’s going to get answered here.
I would look at the contact points configuration in flight_model.cfg. Especially around the spring compression values. It was always possible to have a 2020 aircraft move on it’s own due to settings which presumably cause the physics calculations to be far from normal. You can assume that the physics engine is different enough to reveal issues that were not present in 2020.
Hello @RotorRick00
It can be caused by division by 0 that are not handled correctly on our side.
For example: Flight Model Completely Breaks (Elevator_Up_Limit) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport
If this happens consistently, please create a bug report and provide us with the package and we’ll have a look.
OK We are looking at that now. Is there a list of variables that need to be NON-zero values to workaround the issue?
Thank You!