MSFS2020 Imported Aircraft - Strange glitch in a switch animation


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Context: LONG-EZ (imported from MSFS2020)

Bug description: Panel light switch works fine in MSFS2020, but in MSFS2024 it follows the landing light switch animation. Note that the switch mouse area seems to toggle the correct variable.

Also… cockpit night lighting is COMPLETELY off (way brighter than in MSFS2020)

Repro steps: Load Long EZ in MSFS2024 and try and play with the light switches.


Hello @Scimmia1974,

Could you share with us a package that reproduce the issue ? No need to put texture etc, as long as we can load it in the game and see the switch moving

See 3) Provide Private Content

Edit : My bad, we already have access to your package.
I will let you know as soon as I have an update on this.


@Boris no problem

As a side note, we have updated the MSFS2020 package on the Marketplace (version 1.2.16) in order to solve/mitigate other issues with MSFS2024… but the updated package did not propagate to MSFS2024, which is still streaming the previous version 1.2.14 (not sure why)…

To add on this, we have also found that the Tacan drum digits animation works in MSFS2020 but does not in MSFS2024.

Associate code below.
The same code WORKS PERFECTLY FINE in the MB.339 and in other planes.

TACANUnits 100 (A:TACAN ACTIVE CHANNEL:1,number) 0.1 / 100 % 10 / flr 10 * TACANTens 100 (A:TACAN ACTIVE CHANNEL:1,number) 1 / 100 % 10 / flr 10 * TACANHundreds 100 (A:TACAN ACTIVE CHANNEL:1,number) 99.9 > if{ 11 } els{ 0 } TacanXY 50 (A:TACAN ACTIVE MODE:1, bool) 50 *

Following the latest update, a number of customers is reporting that several legacy animations do not work anymore.
E.g. fuel gage and ADI airplane symbol reference on the MB.339.

Regarding your two posts above: You need to create a new topic for this, as I’m not sure it’s related.

Your original issue apparently was from a bug in our electrical system code.


Will do that immediately - thanks for looking into this.

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Hello @Scimmia1974

Sim Update 1 has a fix for this problem.
Please check you now have the expected behavior in flighting version


Confirmed - it is fixed now.

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