Non-modular aircraft, preflight "pins" missing

Non-modular aircraft can be easily setup to feature all the walkaround elements such as pitot flags, wheel chocks, etc. These can be removed without any problem, and similarly wear and tear inspections can be made to work on non modular.

However, the “pins” around the aircraft guiding the user around the aircraft do not show unless aircraft is modular. I understand that modular aircraft is the way forward, but aircraft created in the monolithic schema may not be converted, as the process of converting to modular is quite complex. Therefore, i’d expect the experience to be the same between both modular and monolithic aircraft.



There is no feature that is limited to modular or non modular only. Preflight is not an exception and (should) work(s) the same in both context.

If it not the case that means that something has been broken on our side. Can you provide us with more information about the problem?

Best Regards
Maxime / Asobo

Absolutely - Find attached my Preflight Navigation graph. I can share the full aircraft files under a secure method as well.
navigation_graph_preflight.cfg (10.5 KB)

The pitot flags, tire pressure checks, engine covers, etc. all function correctly, but the pins do not show up on the aircraft

Eg. Asobo’s DA, Modular, pins display:

C17, non Modular, pins do not display:

Can you share with us the all package so we can investigate in real conditions using the secure method of your choice and following instructions in this topic : How to report a bug or crash.

Best Regards

Maxime / Asobo

PM Sent, file attached


You were right, there was an error in the display pin part. It is not a non-modular issue because modular aircraft could be impacted too but it is much more visible on a legacy (non modular) format.

It has been fixed on our side but I cannot give any ETA about the release.

If I may, I have found some errors in your preflight part (that might have been already fixed on your side), so I will give some explanations/advises to help you (and others users who will read that post).

Lots of your nodes in your navigation_graph_preflight.cfg don’t point to the right mouserect. For instance, here is an extract of your file :

name = tyre_l_001
coordinate_system = relative
pos = -15.262,-9.349,1.335 ; -X, Z, -Y values, in ft (side to side, up down, front to back)
tag = TYRE_L
interactiveVolume = 4,4,4
interactiveVolumeOffset = 0,0,0
mouserectLinked = INTERACTIONS:tyre_l_1
interactionFile.0 = InteractionsPreset\Asobo\Preflight\Simple_preflight_interaction

By loading this file, the sim will output some warnings (there was no such thing in the build you have, it also has been fixed) :

To determine what is the right name to use, you can open the Behavior panel in DevMode > Tools. You now have two ways to find the informations :

  • Select the right container and the right behavior in the top right part of the panel. Once it is done, open the inspector tab and find the right element
  • Point the element you need in the sim. Once the element is hovered (and the panel is opened) press CTRL + G. All information should be filled such as the first method.

Once you have found the element, the path is written in the right part of the panel

So with the right mouserectLinked value, you should have:

name = tyre_l_001
coordinate_system = relative
pos = -15.262,-9.349,1.335 ; -X, Z, -Y values, in ft (side to side, up down, front to back)
tag = TYRE_L
interactiveVolume = 4,4,4
interactiveVolumeOffset = 0,0,0
mouserectLinked = INTERACTIONS:WHEEL_L_001
interactionFile.0 = InteractionsPreset\Asobo\Preflight\Simple_preflight_interaction

With this change, the interactiveVolume is respected. That means that you have to be inside that volume to trigger the interaction, which was not the case in the previous version (interactions were triggerable no matter the distance).

More information about how to set up the preflight can be found here.

Hope this can help you.
Thanks again for pointing out the problem.

Best Regards
Maxime / Asobo

Thank you Maxime, very useful your explanation on how mouserectLinked works.

Hello @vantech

Sim Update 1 has a fix for this problem.
Please check you now have the expected behavior in flighting version
