Problems in scenario project

Guys, I’m creating a 3D scenario for myself, and I have the following problem. The 3D objects are all ok, and they were all exported successfully. In the SDK, the object can be placed without problems in the scenario, and everything is correct and without errors. I build and when I go to test what I created, I noticed that only when I pass with the plane over it do the objects appear, sometimes they take a while to appear, but they do. any ideas how to fix this? Is this delay in reading? They are light objects (740kb) but they do not appear at all, I did the same test with a blender cube, and the same problem occurs. Any idea? Thank you very much!

Maybe it is a Lod issue?
Small objects appears only when close to them

Use the Debug Lod helps addressing the issues

You can learn more about it in this video

Thank you for your message but I believe this is not the problem. for example, in the scene there are 279 large objects like buildings, they are the same and only differ in color, they do not use texture, but are painted directly in the blender. some objects appear from afar while others do not appear, and still others appear when close. They are large and have a large invisible square so they can be seen from a distance. any other ideas?

Maybe you don’t have applied scale or transformation, however if you can provide a sample scenery anyone can help better

I created some scenery objects and realized with the tests that: when I load the sim for the first time with adoon in the community, the sim does not fully load the objects, some are many kilometers away and can be seen, and others are the same They appear much later, and some only when the plane passes overhead. However, if I reload the flight, without going to the menu, the objects are already visible as they should. This is what is happening, everything was exported normally and the objects have few polygons, but they are as big as buildings. However, simple models, and that’s what I’m having a problem with, is there a way to fix this?

Hi, look at my answer above

You really want to share what you are doing in order to have someone investigate on it, if the product is already available as freeware /payware post the link, otherwise you may try providing it to the Asobo Dev team as @ PrivateContent (see guidelines in link below)

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