Starting cold and dark parking position view outside cockpit blocked - presence of an unprogrammed avatar pilot


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: All SwissMilSim products, as well as the only aircraft offered in Dev Alpha, find themselves in an impossible situation when launching the simulator on the cold and dark parking lot: the view is outside the aircraft. It’s impossible to change the view to enter the cockpit. Impossible to execute the sequence required to start the engine…! Impossible to fly…!

All SwissMilSim products have their own pilot included in the model. The simulation automatically displays another avatar pilot from the simulator…! In external view mode…

In MSFS 2020, all these points work perfectly!

Press Shift+C to go into the cockpit. (or go back outside)


Thanks a lot @davux3 !
I was precisely looking for the way to get into the cockpit, while also skipping the preflight thing when testing my EMB-110 in the MSFS 2024 devalpha.

Carlos Daniel González Gómez
NextGen Simulations

I’m wondering how normal users will manage it

Hello @Chris-SMS

Indeed, Shift+C is the default way to enter/exit the aircraft when you don’t have an interactable door. Does it solve the problem for you?

Regarding the pilot avatar being spawned when the aircraft already has its own pilot model, this is already tracked here:
Default pilot figure appearing even if not configured in MSFS2020 aircraft.cfg file - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport



Thank you too, Sylvain (@FlyingRaccoon)! In my case the cockpit switching was something I was trying to figure out. This control assignment fixed the problem for me. Thanks!

And thanks again to @davux3 !

Carlos Daniel González Gómez
NextGen Simulations

Merci Sylvain…!

Just three comments:

  1. Shift+c has effectively solved my problem.
  2. but when loading the plane in cold and dark on a parking space, it seems to be the view of a character (maybe the co-pilot or the pilot…!?), who might be ready to do the pre-flight inspection of the plane… But this figure is placed very strangely, each time in the very location of the wing. Wouldn’t there be a way to place it more appropriately…?
  3. Indeed, the case of the unwanted pilot avatar has already been raised, and I’m sure it will be dealt with appropriately!

Thanks again for your work Sylvain!

Hello @Chris-SMS

Can you show a picture of where the avatar spawns in your case?
You will be able to configure this in MSFS 2024, but MSFS 2020 packages have a compatibility mode where avatar will be spawned at a default position.
Possibly, this default position can be incorrect for some planes.


Hi @FlyingRaccoon Sylvain,

And where is the default position of this avatar…? In which file…? Indeed, I probably copied part of a file without knowing exactly that I was going to place an avatar at an incorrect location in MSFS 2024…

Thanks for your next reply!


Hello @Chris-SMS

I would need to double check but I think this is coming from navigation_graph_pilot_default.cfg file from Asobo packages that defines a SPAWN_EXTERIOR_DEFAULT node set to position (4,0,4).

I checked with the Morane-Saulnier and witnessed the issue with the pilot being spawned inside the wing. On the Venom, it even lead to heavy stutters.
I will add this issue to our backlog.



Un grand merci Sylvain!

Indeed, the node should be placed differently. It would be necessary to find a position relative to the shape of the aircraft itself… But thanks for noticing the problem and helping to solve it!


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Hello @Chris-SMS

Sim Update 1 has a fix for this problem.
Please check you now have the expected behavior in flighting version
