[SU15] Is Center Wheel rpm or Center wheel rotation angle - not working? (added IS GEAR XXX wrong)

Version: SU15 -

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: *High

Context: *building an aircraft with tire animation named Gear_Ceneter_Tire, the gear_left_tire and gear_right_tire animations work
Bug description:

Sim Vars Center wheel rotation angle and Center wheel Rpm are always zero, expect them to work like left and right do.

Repro steps: Build an aircraft in blender - set animation of three tires KF0- 0deg, kf 1- 90 kf 2 - 180 kf 3-270 kf 4-360 - on left right and center.

Use the project template for piston single aircraft in the project build.

left right work - center does not.

Are left right center deprecated?

Wheel rotation:0 and wheel rpm:0 do the same. I don’t see any errors in behaviors or the model build process. But I must be doing something wrong, What should I check?

Question was asked and never answered in 2022


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I am doing a tutorial on external animations. Most things work, I built my project based on the piston engine templates in the devmode folder.

These templates DO NOT have the flt files that would normally be associated to the aircraft. The samples aircraft projects do, however the templates located in devmode folder do not.

PLease add the flt files from the samples to the template folder.

An aside to this wheel issue - the SIM vars

IS GEAR XXX are NOT booleans but seem to be a bit mapped enumeration. - see the simvar watcher.

I found this on a discord site.

If the Center gear X (Lateral) value in the contact points is not ZERO, the gear will not work, Retraction and tire rotation no longer works.

The fix is to set the lateral X value to zero.

EDIT: the reason that the X value changed is due to grabing the YZ plane on the gizmo - which should make the X remain at the current value - changes the x to .0004 - this is enough to make the center gear not work.

EDIT 2 : the template file for the piston aircraft has this error/bug built into

static_pitch = 0.7 ; degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)
static_cg_height = 3.34 ; feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground
gear_system_type = 5 ; gear system type (betweeen 0 and 4) 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none, 5 = undefined
tailwheel_lock = 0 ; Is tailwheel lock available TRUE/FALSE
max_number_of_points = 9 ; Number of contact points
point.0 = 1,-18.455954,-0.411437,-3.253088,1500,0,0.5,22,0.25,2.5,0.7,0,0,0,0,0
point.1 = 1,-3.619104,-4.000042,-4.565986,3500,1,0.5,0,0.3,2.5,0.7,0,0,2,0,0
point.2 = 1,-3.619104,4.000042,-4.565986,3500,2,0.5,0,0.3,2.5,0.7,0,0,3,0,0
point.3 = 2,-3.9,-15.892881,-0.215125,1800,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,5,0,0
point.4 = 2,-22.178221,-0.000001,4.287341,1800,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,9,0,0
point.5 = 2,-22.722601,-0,0.148033,100,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,4,0,0
point.6 = 2,-3.9,15.892881,-0.215125,1800,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,8,0,0
point.7 = 2,5.017279,0,0.156021,0,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,0,0,0
point.8 = 2,4.4,0,0.9,0,0,0.0001,0,0.0001,0.0001,0,0,0,0,0,0

To add to this bug that still has not been confirmed to be a bug is that if the use has a reference_datum_position parameter with the x value NOT zero then the center tire animations will not work. AGAIN the AE did this - if you move things in a plane along the long axis the x value will change ever so slightly to cause issues.

Is this a bug?

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