Version: SU15 -
Frequency: Consistently
Severity: *High
Context: *building an aircraft with tire animation named Gear_Ceneter_Tire, the gear_left_tire and gear_right_tire animations work
Bug description:
Sim Vars Center wheel rotation angle and Center wheel Rpm are always zero, expect them to work like left and right do.
Repro steps: Build an aircraft in blender - set animation of three tires KF0- 0deg, kf 1- 90 kf 2 - 180 kf 3-270 kf 4-360 - on left right and center.
Use the project template for piston single aircraft in the project build.
left right work - center does not.
Are left right center deprecated?
Wheel rotation:0 and wheel rpm:0 do the same. I don’t see any errors in behaviors or the model build process. But I must be doing something wrong, What should I check?
Question was asked and never answered in 2022
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