Taxilights / light presets not working anymore

Hello @Sasa

I think most of the issues you mentioned are also being tracked with these different reports:

Light row mesh not rendering light nodes? (2020 compatibility) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Airport & Sceneries - MSFS DevSupport

Light row mesh only shows one node of multinode mesh (2020 compatibility) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Airport & Sceneries - MSFS DevSupport

Light row mesh glass not showing (2020 compatibility) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Airport & Sceneries - MSFS DevSupport

Light row mesh rotated if rotation is not applied in blender (2020 compatibility) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Airport & Sceneries - MSFS DevSupport

Light row preset intensities very different (2020 compatibility) - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Airport & Sceneries - MSFS DevSupport

Some of these issues will be addressed in the next build.

You mentioned some asobo airports were affected. Can you elaborate please?
