WASM cannot handle file I/O outside of work correctly (cannot test if work is read properly) in MSFS 2024


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: N/A

Context: Navigraph MSFS Navigation Data Interface. This works for the most part in 2020, theres another bug where some panics or file IO will completely crash the sim, or bug out if a directory is < 3 files large. (Might be a related problem)

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: Not an issue in 2020

Bug description: Whenever I try to use the gauge in 2024, I run into an issue where it won’t properly read directories in the packages ./bundled-navigation-data, and it will completely forget to read the folders that the files inside are contained in. So basically, it skips a level in the tree and iterates through one of the folders repetitively. Problem file link, this is where the issue seems to occur, basically we have files inside of this bundled-navigation-data folder, however, it is immediately skipped, and it starts reading the inside of them, it seems to be truncating the path as well when it is printed (ref attachment 2).

Repro steps: Compile wasm, compile gauge, load up example aircraft, look at msfs console logs.


Link to sample aircraft, (its too large for here)

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It looks like the fd_readdir implementation of the WASI layer that we use to access files from WASM modules has issues indeed. This is being reviewed.
Unfortunately I don’t think fixes for this will make it into the mid-December patch.

I’ll keep you posted on our progress in tracking& fixing this.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

Hey Eric,

Do you know if this issue will be fixed in SU1?

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Hi jack,

Yes it will be in SU1 - unfortunately we did not have the opportunity to slip it in before.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


Hello @katie

Sim Update 1 / SDK 1.2.2 has a fix for this problem.
Please check you now have the expected behavior in flighting version


Seems to be working now! Thanks for the patch!